Play Drumkit Timpani And Percussion Book 1 – Garraway/Stanley


Play Drumkit Timpani And Percussion Book 1 by Garraway/Stanley has been a very successful beginners method for over 20 years now. It was updated in 2017 and then given a bright new cover in 2019.

This book offers a complete course for Drumkit, Snare Drum, Timpani and Tuned percussion. Modules 1 and 2 cater for the student at beginner to intermediate level.

It starts from the absolute beginning and progresses in a sensible, understandable way, taking you firstly through the core rhythms in the snare drum section, and then through the drum kit, timpani and tuned percussion sections. ‘Module 1’ prepares you for taking grade 1 in either snare drum, drum kit, or tuned percussion and ‘Module 2’ introduces all the skills you’ll need for grade 2.

Play drum kit, timpani & percussion is also designed to satisfy the needs of the modern percussion tutor. There are suggested warm up exercises and ensemble pieces included in each module. It follows the principles and values of ‘A Common Approach’ percussion curriculum and also gives a scheme of work that prepares students for graded music examinations.

There are separate sections for each instrument and every page is designed to be a structured lesson, suitable for either the individual player or a group.

Play Drumkit Timpani And Percussion Book 1 contents:

  • Practice time and warmups
  • Module 1 Snare Drum
  • Module 1 Drum Kit
  • Module 1 Tuned Percussion
  • Module 1 Timpani
  • Module 2 Snare Drum
  • Module 2 Drum Kit
  • Module 2 Tuned Percussion
  • Module 2 Timpani
  • Module 1 & 2 Ensemble pieces

Book 2 is available here.

9 in stock



Play Drumkit Timpani And Percussion Book 1 by Garraway/Stanley has been a very successful beginners method for over 20 years now. It was updated in 2017 and then given a bright new cover in 2019.

This book offers a complete course for Drumkit, Snare Drum, Timpani and Tuned percussion. Modules 1 and 2 cater for the student at beginner to intermediate level.

It starts from the absolute beginning and progresses in a sensible, understandable way, taking you firstly through the core rhythms in the snare drum section, and then through the drum kit, timpani and tuned percussion sections. ‘Module 1’ prepares you for taking grade 1 in either snare drum, drum kit, or tuned percussion and ‘Module 2’ introduces all the skills you’ll need for grade 2.

Play drum kit, timpani & percussion is also designed to satisfy the needs of the modern percussion tutor. There are suggested warm up exercises and ensemble pieces included in each module. It follows the principles and values of ‘A Common Approach’ percussion curriculum and also gives a scheme of work that prepares students for graded music examinations.

There are separate sections for each instrument and every page is designed to be a structured lesson, suitable for either the individual player or a group.

Play Drumkit Timpani And Percussion Book 1 contents:

  • Practice time and warmups
  • Module 1 Snare Drum
  • Module 1 Drum Kit
  • Module 1 Tuned Percussion
  • Module 1 Timpani
  • Module 2 Snare Drum
  • Module 2 Drum Kit
  • Module 2 Tuned Percussion
  • Module 2 Timpani
  • Module 1 & 2 Ensemble pieces

Book 2 is available here.

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Lindsay Music