Of all the brands of Brass instrument mutes, at Heritage Music we concentrate on the UK made Denis Wick range which not only covers the full range but is fantastic quality.
Denis Wick practice mutes are an excellent teaching aid. Not only do they fulfil the need for in tune painless practice, so essential in the development of every young player, they also help in being more sociably acceptable while practicing with others around!
Denis Wick has a full range of performance mutes e.g. cup, straight, extending, stopping and plunger. Each affects the instrumental sound in a particular way.
We stock mutes for trumpet, cornet, trombone, bass trombone, French horn and flugelhorn. Euphonium and Tuba mutes are easily available on request.
Yamaha’s state of the art Silent Brass system lets you can play whenever you want, wherever you want and with whatever kind of sound you want. Available for all brass instruments, it is effectively a complete soundproofed electronic studio – small enough to carry around