Each book in the exciting new Sight Reading Success series contains expert advice and a series of practice tests that will help your students to tackle the sight reading element of their Piano exams with confidence.
Each book is accompanied by a CD, providing guidance through every test and demonstrating how it should sound (Voice by Kate Johnson, Piano by Harriet Power). The books are ideal for independent use by students of all ages and all pianists who wish to improve their ability in such an essential skill for Piano playing.
Sight Reading Success gradually takes the reader through various concepts that are essential to sight reading like rhythm, pitch, tempo, note types and different key signatures, while also providing practice scores to illustrate these ideas so that you can play through music, and test yourself against the accompanying audio.
Written by experienced examiners and teachers, the Sight Reading Success series accurately reflects the style of the revised ABRSM tests. This book will cover all the basics that you need to know for the Grade Three exam, and then gives you some helpful tips for practising and what to expect when you actually get into the exam. Grade Three Sight Reading Success is a truly thorough and authoritative guide that will put you well on your way to ensuring success in grade 1 sight reading.