
Fun and Games with the Recorder Tutor book 2

Original price was: £8.95.Current price is: £5.95.

“Fun and Games with the Recorder” is a comprehensive recorder tutor covering all stages from the first notes of the beginner up to the point of professional instruction for budding performers. Although the recorder is often the instrument with which children will make their first musical discoveries, it is also an instrument of the highest artistic merit. This series of books tries to link these two extremes, providing a carefully planned pathway between first, playful contact with the instrument and professional recorder playing.

1 in stock

Category: SKU: 9790220119118


“Fun and Games with the Recorder” is a comprehensive recorder tutor covering all stages from the first notes of the beginner up to the point of professional instruction for budding performers. Although the recorder is often the instrument with which children will make their first musical discoveries, it is also an instrument of the highest artistic merit. This series of books tries to link these two extremes, providing a carefully planned pathway between first, playful contact with the instrument and professional recorder playing.

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